Monday, July 21, 2008

Now and Then (Christina Ricci, Rosie O'Donnell, 1995)

I always enjoy chick flicks like, Now and Then. It's a movie about the importance of female friendships. It has the same appeal to me as Sex and the City. Yeah. I know. How do I compare those two films? lol Well, once you wade through all the "sex" in Sex and the City, it's really about friendships and the family you create (as opposed to the one you're born into). Anyway...those films remind me of my need to have dependable and fruitful friendships.

I used to whine to my husband about my not having friends. For a number of years, I'd lost the intimacy with many of my female friends. Then, last week, one of those women contacted me. She'd basically felt the same way and always wondered what caused the distance between us. It was such a light bulb/duh/omigosh moment. Once upon a time, we'd been bestfriends but had allowed life and time to create a gulf between us.

I'm blessed that I have a friend that would be so honest and open with me. But, I'm also blessed that she did not place all the blame at my feet. We both recognized our part in the distance (however large or small it was). Friendships, like any relationship, are a two way street. It takes two to make it work and two to mess it up. As for us, we're committed to being better friends to one another.

Proverbs 18:24 says that, "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." This scripture reminds me to be proactive and continuously examine my role in my friendships (as opposed to my friends' roles). It also reminds me that during those times when I feel lonely and friendless, I still have Jesus in my heart. He's a friend that will never fail, faint, or neglect. He tells us that, He is with us always, even to the end of the age (Matt. 28:20). The song is true: There is not a friend like the lowly Jesus...No not one...No not one...

In the meantime, here's one of my favorite songs about the friend we have in Jesus!


Audra said...

I LOVE Now and Then...I had completely forgotten about that movie!

I agree...friends are so important...especially our friendship with the Lord - He's the only person who will never disappoint.

momtoabean said...

My cousins, my sister and I used to pretend we were the characters from Now and Then! We were obsessed with that movie. Its still one of my all time favorites.